

Reeling in the Leaders – Kinker Duffin

  To be honest I can’t even remember a time that I didn’t know about Knockadoon. My older sister went when she was around 8 and that triggered a chain reaction of my Mam getting rid of us for a week every July. I still remember how I used to pray I could go to

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KYW 2017 – Apply now!

The KYW 2017 online forms are now LIVE!!! In order to apply for camp this year, please click HERE As a reminder , our weeks for this year is as follows; Week 1: 17th June – 24th June Week 2: 24th June – 1st July Week 3: 1st July – 8th July If anyone has

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KYW 2017 – Application Process

We are pleased to announce that the Knockadoon Youth Week (“the KYW”) will be returning this June and July for our 7th annual summer camp. The cost of this year’s camp will be €170 (£145 approx) for a week which includes everything from transport, accommodation, all meals and our day trip. The dates for this

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Its OK to talk – Orlaith O’Callaghan

Last Saturday was World Suicide Prevention Day, and to get involved in raising awareness and participating in the conversation among people of our own age about mental health, theKYW leaders took part in the selfie initiative with a simple message attached to all our posts: it’s ok to talk. I was thrilled to see how

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Reeling in the Leaders – Neasa Cumiskey

What is it like to fall in love with a place? I spend 11 months of my year yearning to be in the place I hold dearest, Knockadoon. To the average person, the camp seems no more special than any other Gaeltacht or summer course, but to those of us who have been lucky enough

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Reeling in the Leaders – Dara Goss

I didn’t really know which way I would have liked to take this blog post so I decided no better way than to start from the beginning of my Knockadoon experience which maybe some people who are yet to come to camp can relate to and those who have been to camp will understand completely.

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2016 and beyond…

After what was probably the KYW’s most successful year to date in 2015, the expectations for 2016 could not be higher. The Knockadoon Youth Week is growing faster than the speed of light and year after year we seem to take it up a gear and make the Knockadoon experience that extra bit special. A

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